Event Photos

Fundraiser at First Magnitude Brewing Company

The social fundraiser was a great way to start off the Fall semester and to learn more about IPhO. We had discounts on drinks and free pizza to celebrate the night. Keep an eye out for our next social event.

Industry Fellowship Panel

We kicked off the semester strong with our Industry Fellowship Panel. If you happened to miss the panel you can listen along with the link below.

Link to the Industry Panel

First General Body Meeting

For our first GBM we had the opportunity to welcome back Jack Guerci who just completed his MBA and is now completing his APPE rotations. He had great insight regarding applying to the FDA for APPE rotations as well as the different areas that a pharmacist can work in the FDA. He is a prime example of creating his own path and striving for a non-traditional pharmacy job.

IPhO National Conference in New Jersey

We had a great representation from the University of Florida at the first ever Industry Pharmacist’s Organization Conference. We had members from the Gainesville campus as well as the Orlando campus. These individuals had the opportunity to network with current Industry Fellows, meet the president and national student board members of IPhO, as well as interact with other IPhO members from a variety of pharmacy schools spanning over 35 states. The conference provided important details for improving our current chapter in addition to how to prepare ourselves for fellowship positions. If you would like to learn more about the conference please reach out to any of the members that attended. Details for the next conference will be provided in the spring.

Second General Body Meeting Joint with AMCP

For our second general body meeting we had the opportunity to learn more about managed care and the role of managed care pharmacy in Industry overall. Shawn Barger, the director of Pharmacy at AvMed Health Plans, shared his lunch hour with us to discuss his role at AvMed. He is responsible for a variety of things ranging from formulary management, drug and department budgeting, network management, STARs and HEDIS improvement. Shawn Barger is passionate about managed care pharmacy and has hope for the future of managed care.